About AASTMT (IOI 2024 Host)

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) is a regional university operated by the Arab League, which runs programs in marine transportation, business, and engineering. AASTMT started as a notion in the Arab League Transport Committee's meetings on 11th of March, 1970. The Academy's inception was in 1972 in the city of Alexandria, Egypt. After that it expanded into Cairo.
Over more than 50 years, the AASTMT has had many achievements in education, training and research in the fields of maritime transport, engineering and management sciences. This is due to the methodological application of modern technology in these fields. The AASTMT was thus able to move from regionalism to internationalism. In 2007, the AASTMT was among the institutes that occupied the first six positions on the list of the ISO''s International educational institutes who were to receive the Organization''s award for standard levels of higher education.
The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) is guided by a vision, mission, and core values that reflect its unwavering commitment to academic excellence, scientific advancement, and social progress. The Academy envisions itself as a beacon of science in Egypt and the Arab region, playing a pivotal role in driving sustainable economic and social development. To realize this vision, AASTMT is dedicated to becoming a smart educational institution that cultivates a vibrant knowledge society through groundbreaking research, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The Academy's mission is to empower future generations with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become catalysts for change. This is achieved through the provision of world-class educational and training programs, fostering a culture of intellectual excellence, and establishing centers of excellence that drive scientific research, training, and consultations. AASTMT's commitment to quality and governance underpins its every endeavor, ensuring that its contributions to society are aligned with the highest international standards.
For more information about the AASTMT, visit www.aast.edu